for polygraph testing
in Ontario
818 883-6969
(Free confidential
phone consultation)
Our price quotes
for a polygraph
test in Ontario
California are
priced. But
the same test
is available for
$98 if instead
you go to an
office we have
in another county!

A lie-detector test
in Ontario

During an Ontario
polygraph test,
a computer will
be recording
changes to the
examinee's blood
sweat and breathing

A lie-detector test
in San Bernardino

A lie-detector test
in Montclair

An Ontario
requires that
the client
provide up
to four
questions to
be used
during testing

A lie-detector test
in Pomona

A lie-detector test
in Upland

A lie detector
test in Ontario
California uses
equipment that
attaches to the
stomach, chest,
arm and fingers

A lie-detector test
in Chino

A lie-detector test
in Jurupa Valley

If you need a polygraph exam in Ontario CA, know that our senior examiner has more than 30 years of polygraph experience

A lie-detector test
in Chino Hills

Visit here for complete information about a polygraph test in Ontario California
Ontario lie-detector
is available
7 days a week

There is a polygraph office elsewhere in Los Angeles County that charges only $145
Ontario polygraph
818 883-6969

Ontario polygraph
Telephone for polygraph testing
in Ontario
818 883-6969
(Free confidential
phone consultation)